Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer
The Full stack development course from the code institute is always evolving with the latest languages in the industry. From beautiful and elegant front-end design to structured and dynamic back-end processes – your team will learn everything you need to create web applications from scratch.
Study time: Full time – 12 weeks| Part time – up to 48 weeks
Certification: Diploma in Software Development – credit-rated by Edinburgh Napier University
Vendor: Code Institute
Business support: Our support team measures and ensures engagement
Prerequisites: None
Assessment: Completion of projects alongside your dedicated mentor
Ideal for: Web developers and coders
“53% of mobile site visits leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load“
Content overview
Stream 1
- The Box Model
- The Box Model 2
- Positioning and CSS
- Media
- Gradients
- Transforms and Transitions
- NavBar
- CSS Selectors
- Flexbox
- Semantic Web & Font
- Balsamiq
- User Experience Design
- Forms
- Git
- Git Remote
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Nav Elements
- Bootstrap Responsive Design
- Javascript Revisited
- jQuery
- jQuery Events
- jQuery: Traversing Mt. DOM
- Javascript Part II
- Data Visualisations & D3
- D3 & Data
- D3 Scales
- D3 Axes and External Files
- Angular Routing
- Angular Forms
- Angular Services/Angular Directives
Stream 2
- Installing Python
- Installing PyCharm
- Testing
- Version Control
- Boggle Solver Part 1 & 2
- File I0 Exceptions
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Flask Part 1
- Classes
- Database Fundamentals
- Installing MySQL and MySQLWorkBench
- MySQL Database Creation
- Data Creation and Modification
- Data Selection Queries Part 1 & 2
- Using Python with MySQL Part 1, 2 & 3
- Twitter Setup with Trends
- Twitter API Tweets 1
- Twitter Streams 1
- Twitter Streams 2
- Introduction to Mongo DB
- Web Scraping
- Dimensional Charting with D3 js DC js and Crossfilter js
- Deploy a Server-Side Application
Stream 3
- Virtualbox + Linux primer
- Django basics – views and URLs
- Models
- Administration
- Forms
- Template extension
- Flatpages
- User & email authentication
- Stripe basic payments
- Stripe Subscriptions
- Paypal basic payments
- Talking polls
- Django REST framework
- Subscription-based forum
- Django test framework
- Django deployment
- Steam project
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