MCP Windows 7 Configuring

MCP Windows 7 Configuring
With the MCP Windows 7 Configuring course, team members will learn to install, upgrade, migrate and deploy Windows 7. As well as, configure hardware, applications and networks to a range of devices.
Study time: Full time – 12 days| Part time – 1 month
Vendor: Microsoft
Business support: Our customer success team measure and ensure engagement
Prerequisites: None
Assessment: Exam based – MCP 70-680
Ideal for: Desktop support technician or IT manager
“In just 5 years the number of smart connected devices in the world will be more than 50 billion.”
Content overview
- Planning for Windows 7 deployment
- Determining application compatibility for Windows 7
- Creating a standard image to deploy Windows 7
- Deploying Windows 7 using WDS and USMT
- Deploying Windows 7 using lite touch installation
- Deploying Windows 7 using zero touch installation
- Designing Windows 7 client configuration
- Troubleshooting Windows 7 client configuration
- Designing application and update deployments for Windows 7
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