Employer Sponsorship2019-03-11T12:57:08+00:00

The best way to secure employer sponsorship is to put forward a request or application to your employer in writing

Employer Sponsorship

The wave of new technologies and trends disrupting businesses has created new employee demands, requirements and skillsets. Companies now more than ever recognise that learning and development programmes are crucial for success.

Employee training has been widely recognised to increase engagement, drive performance, and promote innovation, benefiting both businesses and employees.

Not sure about how to write your request?

Here at SkillsFox, we have put together some useful information to help you secure sponsorship of your training. Including, a downloadable draft of an official sponsorship letter to support your case in your company’s internal approval processes.

To DOWNLOAD the letter and a short 5-page brochure which you can share with your company to support your application, simply enter your details below.

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Your Employer Sponsorship

Who do you write your request to?

Depending on the business or organisation that you work for, you must evaluate the best team or individual to put forward your application. This could be:

  • Team leader
  • Manager
  • Human resources
  • Learning and development team
  • Director
  • CEO

What key points should be covered?

Every organisation, company or business is different, but all employee training must meet three key requirements: contribute to the company’s goals, have relevant content, and abide by a sensible time-frame. These are therefore the three key points which should be covered in your application:

Alignment to your company’s goals
Learning and development is key to a business’s success. However, it is important to clearly outline the benefits your training will make, not only to your own professional development but the benefits it will make to your team and company too. 

Some things to think about:

  • Performance
  • Skills, abilities and practice
  • Financial benefits
  • Operational benefits
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

Content relevance
Here you will need to describe how this particular course is relevant to your role and current responsibilities, do make reference to content specifics to support your claims. 

Need more information about your course?
We have helped many individuals secure sponsorship from their employers if you need any more information about one of our courses, contact us, we’re happy to help.

We understand that every business has there own time-management requirements. Whether it’s an urgent 2-month turnaround to get their team certified or a 2-year programme accessible if and when their team needs it. All our intelligent learning platforms are available, online, any time, on any device.  Our flexible learning means flexibility for your business. 

Your guarantee

Additional sponsored training is not obligatory; Some employers will want a guarantee in their investment such as a formal training agreement or contract. This guarantee could be that you cannot seek further employment until a predetermined date following your course. This is completely at your own discretion although it could be used as an advantage to your leverage.

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