In today’s super-competitive marketplace, great leadership is the single biggest factor in achieving extraordinary results.
Our leadership skills training is designed to support leaders at every stage of their career – from a novice manager to a seasoned visionary – and help them to strengthen the skills they need for their teams and companies to thrive.
6,000+ videos
100+ courses
8,500+ books
2,000+ book summaries
50+ interactive business cases
We appreciate that modern busy professionals value their time and will find it hard to watch, read, and listed through all this content. But they also feel the need to grow in their confidence and skills. This is why we develop short and need-focused customised learning series mixing expert videos, business cases asking for your team’s judgement calls in work situations, all of these supported by excepts from books and audio-books.
A sample learning programme for your young manager at the start of her management career:
Call us for more details on 01273 007 080 or 0800 970 9844
These are some of the building blocks for your training programme:
Developing Leadership Skills
Women In Leadership
Generations in the Workforce
Leveraging Teams
Leading Virtual Teams
Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Email Communication
Presentation Skills
Feedback and Criticism
Difficult Communications
Influence and Persuasion